An Introduction to Microsoft Word:

Microsoft Word is a word processor application software developed by Microsoft. It has advanced features which allow to format and edit documents in the best possible way.
Software developers Richard Brodie Charles Simonyi the Multi-Tool Word for the UNIX operating system in 1983. Later that year, the program was rewritten to run on personal computers under MS-DOS and was renamed Microsoft Word.

What do you can with Word?

With Word you can:

• If you want to Create a document from scratch or from a template and add text, images, art, and videos and you can Access your documents from a computer, tablet, or phone via OneDrive with MS-Word.
• You can Share documents and collaborate with others to track and review changes in MS-Word.

Table of contents

Basics of MS-Word

Microsoft word is a word processor that allows for the creation of both simple and complex documents. It’s a software application. It offers robust tools for creating, editing, formatting and printing documents in a variety of formats, including letters, reports, resumes and more.

How to start MS word on Personal Computer?

To start Microsoft Word on personal computer follow some simple steps:

  1. First go the start button.
  2. Then go to all programmed.
  3. Select “Word” (Click on it).
Interface of Microsoft-Word:
Ribbon Menu in Microsoft-Word:
  • File
  • Home
  • Insert
  • Design
  • Layout
  • References
  • Mailings
  • Review
  • View
  • Help
  • Quick Access Toolbar
  • Accounts & Collaboration
  • Windows Tools
  • Status Bar
Home In Microsoft-Word:

 In Microsoft-Word home menu is a default tab. It has five related command groups, Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing.

Clipboard in Microsoft-Word:

All the text you cut or copy in word is stored in a location that is called Clipboard. That’s the standard cut or copy or paste holding bin for text, but in Word the Clipboard is more powerful than in other Windows programs.




Format Painter

Font in Microsoft-Word

In MS Word, an entire family of fonts is usually called a typeface. People also prefer to use the terms ‘font-style’ and ‘font type.’

On the other hand, “font,” as a word, is reserved  for a combination of different features such as font style, size, color, and weight.

Therefore, the term “font” in Microsoft Word often means a whole family of display features such as the typeface or color or weight or size.

Font Style

Font Size

Increase Font Size

Decrease Font Size

Change Case

Clear all Formatting







Text Effects and Typography

Text Highlight color

Font color

Advance Font Menu:

There are two tab one is “Font” and the other is “Advanced”. In the Font tab you manage the font effect.

In the Advanced tab you manage character spacing (scale, spacing, position), open type features, like: Ligatures, Number Spacing, Number forms, Stylistic sets.

Paragraph in Microsoft-Word:

Paragraph is a collections of words or a group of sentence that convey an idea. In paragraph tab of the Home Menu there are-



Multilevel List

Decrease Indent

Increase Indent



Align Left


Align Right


Line and Paragraph Spacing

Shading Color


Insert in Microsoft-Word:

The Insert menu contains commands for inserting markup, graphics and equations.

On the insert tab one can add pictures, shapes, SmartArt, graphics, tables and more to make the document to the next level.

“Insert” category included with Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Add-ins, Media, Links, Comments, Header & Footer, Text, Symbols.


In Microsoft-Word a page refers to a document section equal to one printed page of information.  

  • Add a Cover Page: your document will make a great first impression with a stylish cover page.

Make it your own by tweaking the font and color options on the design tab.

  • Blank Page: Add a blank page anywhere in your document.
  • Page Break: End the current page here and move to the next page.
